
Stalknights_4 [890 pts]

Writeup author: lolmenow

Difficulty: medium

Provided files: N/A

Description: What is the real name of this starknight? Flag format: jellyCTF{firstname_lastname}

Going back to the twitter page, we can see the following tweet:


From this, we can assume that starknight1337 has a github. Lets search this person up!

And indeed, starknight1337 does have a github. Github

Now, from prior knowledge, names can be leaked if you don’t hide them while doing commits. So, instead of going through all the commits, I thought “why not just use the API and query the repo and the username?”

So, I used curl to query the API, here is my request:

curl -H "Accept: application/vnd.github+json"

Rustlings_practice is the repo that starknight1337 owns

application/vnd.github+json is needed to query githubs api as it is a custom media type

Running this, we are presented with:


There is the name! And our flag!

Final flag: jellyCTF{luke_ritterman}