Iwanttobelieve [150 pts]
Provided files: gift.gif
Description: We’ve received a GIFt from what appears to be a signal coming from extraterrestrial life! Although, it appears they’ve used steganography to hide it inside of this .gif file. All we know is that it’s in the form of a text file named ‘iwanttobelieve.txt’. Can you recover it? Hint: Maybe there’s a GIFt tool we can use to recover it?
We are provided a gif file. Opening it dosen’t show anything out of the ordinary
Running common steg tools such as zsteg, exiftool, or using Aperi’Solve does not yield any results.
However, the hint says that there may be a program to extract files from a gif. After extensive research, I came across this github repo.
That seems to match the tool we need!
Install the tool, then you can get the “iwanttobelieve.txt” file!
python3 --source a.gif recover iwanttobelieve.txt
And we get our flag!
Final flag: SIVBGR{y0ur_g1ft_1s_h3r3}