
Secret [150 pts]

Provided files: Secret.pdf

Description: We managed to get an informant to obtain a document which we believe might contain information confirming alien existence, but it is too censored.

You are given a pdf file with blacked out text.

There are many ways to recover the text, however the best way is to just copy the entire pdf and paste it somewhere else.

You would get:

Date: 08-16-1969
Extra-terrestrial life confirmed :
After the quarantine period was completed ALIENT INVESTIGATION UNIT
members Neil Armstrong Edwin Aldrin and Michael Collins were
interrogated – confirming the presence of Extra-Terrestrial Life
Gen Stills orders are as follows: Do not allow the population to
learn of the ELFs. The astronauts involved are immediately to be
briefed on the consequences of sharing information about these
matters to the public.
Additionally, the ALIENT INVESTIGATION UNIT has been granted an extra
300,000,000 for the continued investigation and containment of ELFs.
At the moment, it is believed they intend no harm. The question of
why they have traveled to Earth remains unanswered at the present
time. As such, extreme caution will be taken. Any ELF spotted should
be captured – failing that, it should be exterminated.
FLAG: SIVBGR{C0nta1n_Th3_Al13ns}

That is the flag!

Final flag: SIVBGR{C0nta1n_Th3_Al13ns}

Other ways you could’ve done this: Utilize pdftotext.