Bees in space [268 pts]
Writeup author: lolmenow
Provided files: BeesInSpace.txt
Imagine if the Bee Movie happened in space 🤯… okay it probably wouldn’t be that great because everyone would die or be wearing astronaut suits the whole time, but either way still cool to imagine! -AcerYeung
We are given a file and it seems to have many abnormal amount of spaces.
This is the fundamental of the whitespace cipher, in which data is hidden within whitespace.
We first need to remove all the characters that are not whitespace. I did this with a regex filter of [^\s]+
through CyberChef
A whitespace decoder, such as this one works fine. Once decoded, we get our flag!
Final flag: UDCTF{wh1t3sp4c3_15_c00l}