
Dizzy_fisherman [899 pts]

Writeup author: lolmenow

Provided files: and nc 4000

Description: Sakana is sending some suspicious looking messages to Dizzy - looks like they’re exchanging a shared secret key to encrypt the messages. Alice has hacked into their key exchange system but needs more help with the exploit. Can you find a way to reveal their secret key and decrypt the message?

Lets take a look at the source before using netcat on the server

import time
from Crypto.Util import number
from Crypto.Cipher import AES
from Crypto.Util.Padding import pad

P_LENGTH = 256
MAX_INT = 10000

p = number.getPrime(P_LENGTH)
secret_A = number.getRandomRange(2, MAX_INT)
secret_B = number.getRandomRange(2, MAX_INT)

print("Intercepting communications...")

print("Randomly selected prime p = ", p)
g = int(input("Inject a generator g: "))

if not (1 < g < p):
    print("ALERT: Invalid g detected, requires 1 < g < p. Communications terminated!")

public_key_A = pow(g, secret_A, p)
print("Dizzy's public key (integer) : ", public_key_A)

public_key_B = pow(g, secret_B, p)
print("Sakana's public key (integer): ", public_key_B)

print("Dizzy and Sakana are calculating their secret keys...", end='\n')
secret_dizzy = pow(public_key_B, secret_A, p)
secret_sakana = pow(public_key_A, secret_B, p)
# The secret key should be the same for both parties
assert(secret_dizzy == secret_sakana)

print("Encrypting flag with AES-256 using shared secret key")
with open('flag.txt', 'r') as f:
    flag ="\n").encode()

secret = secret_dizzy
encoded_key = secret.to_bytes(32, byteorder='big')
cipher =, AES.MODE_ECB)
ciphertext = cipher.encrypt(pad(flag, 32))
print("Encrypted flag received: ", ciphertext.hex())

Seems like standard AES encryption but we can’t write the secret as 1. Well, we need to find a generator g that, when raised to any power a, will result in a small number of possible values modulo p. This would limit the possible values for the public and shared secret keys, making it feasible to brute force the shared secret key.

If g=1, then (g^a mod p) = 1 for any a, and the public keys and shared secret key will always be 1. But we can’t make g 1, or can we?

We can actually choose our own generator, g. So, in order to make g one, we can just simply do g=p-1

So, the public keys will always be either 1 or p - 1, and the shared secret key will also always be either 1 or p - 1

Here is how we can do this:

adam@DESKTOP-J07EICU:~$  nc 4000
Intercepting communications...
Randomly selected prime p =  86899728650592841884861211249399967893443125213865378821666077709714002156393
Inject a generator g: 86899728650592841884861211249399967893443125213865378821666077709714002156392
Dizzy's public key (integer) :  86899728650592841884861211249399967893443125213865378821666077709714002156392
Sakana's public key (integer):  1
Dizzy and Sakana are calculating their secret keys...
Encrypting flag with AES-256 using shared secret key
Encrypted flag received:  2c6783bc372fbf601a4159080bf295e439c30e16fecde63dc7066abb40825383b1d8b2267d641fc17fd54d8bb0a60203b1d8b2267d641fc17fd54d8bb0a60203

Now that the secret shared key is 1, we can simply decrypt this with a python script!

Here is the script I made:

# mandatory libraries
from Crypto.Util.Padding import unpad
from Crypto.Cipher import AES

secret = 1 # we know the secret is 1 because g = p-1

encoded_key = secret.to_bytes(32, byteorder='big') # convert first to bytes

cipher =, AES.MODE_ECB) # create a new AES cipher object with the shared secret key

encrypted_flag = bytes.fromhex('2c6783bc372fbf601a4159080bf295e439c30e16fecde63dc7066abb40825383b1d8b2267d641fc17fd54d8bb0a60203b1d8b2267d641fc17fd54d8bb0a60203') # encrypted flag

flag = unpad(cipher.decrypt(encrypted_flag), 32) # decrypt


# some code was inspired from this blog:

Running the script, we get: jellyCTF{SOS_stuck_in_warehouse}

And that is our flag!

Final flag: jellyCTF{SOS_stuck_in_warehouse}