The_real_truth_2 [896 pts]
Writeup author: lolmenow
Difficulty: hard
Provided files: N/A
Description: this chal is web/forensics looks like jelly still has some more secrets on her site
With the description stating “looks like jelly still has more secrets on her site” clues me into fuzzing the website. However, this is not allowed.
So, I tried common directories. robots.txt
came back as valid and this was shown:
sitemap.xml?! That is exactly what we need to see how this website is organized.
Visiting it, we are presented with: 2024-04-29 daily 1.0
With this info, we know there is a second photo. Lets view it!
Hmm, seems pretty similar to the last one.
After taking the same steps as the_REAL_truth
, nothing of interest came up.
Until I realized: “Wait, we have 2 images. Why not combine them using Caesum’s steg feature of “image combiner”
That looks like a flag! Lets flip through the different filters so we can see it better.
After much trial and error of trying to get the right flag, we indeed get it!
Final flag: jellyCTF{tw0_h41v3s_m4k3_a_wh0l3}