
The_real_truth [810 pts]

Writeup author: lolmenow

Difficulty: medium

Provided files: image01.png on website


Description: note: this is the only subdomain in scope. do not bruteforce/dirbust.

The website presents itself with a long speech and a photo in the middle. Since the category is forensics, I assumed that this is stegonography with the image on the website.

Using Aperi’Solve yields no results, so I used stegsolve by Caesum to see if I can go through the filters and find a hidden flag.

Going through the filters showed nothing, so I used stegsolve’s data extraction feature. This extracts all the data from each bit planes.

I did not know which plane had the flag, so I checked all the planes.


We can save the data, and examine the file.


Hmmm, this seems like it spells out a message! Lets continue digging.

We see our flag not far down!


Final flag: jellyCTF{th3_w0man_in_th3_r3d_ch4nn3l}