
Stalknights_1 [100 pts]

Writeup author: lolmenow

Difficulty: easy

Provided files: stalknights_1_instagram_photo.jpg

Description: Stumbled across this Starknight while scrolling through Instagram. Can you figure out what neighbourhood and country this photo was taken in? Flag format: jellyCTF{neighbourhood_name,country} (all lowercase)

With an image file present, lets reverse google it to see where this could possibly be taken at.


We see a travel blog with a near identical image. Lets open the blog to see if we can find anything. Blog

Scrolling down, we now have the exact location and neighborhood where this photo was taken.


The neighborhood was the heading of this blog (the heading being Zaanse Schans)

A quick google search would tell you that Zaanse Schans is located in the Netherlands.

There we have it, the final flag!

Final flag: jellyCTF{zaanse_schans,netherlands}